
Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery

Created by Nord Games

The definitive handbook for expanding fantasy worlds with crafting materials, items, and downtime activities for 5th Edition D&D!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Competition Winner! Form Fillable Recipe Sheets, and Friendly Shout Out
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 04:52:07 PM

 Greetings Adventurers!

We are getting close to the end of the campaign, but the community contests will continue through regular updates.

Competition Winner. Congratulations to Henrik Gjerp for winning the first of many community competitions to create new an unique magic items using our Magic Item Generator! The Ostoroth Band, a ring made of pure obsidian, was the community's favorite and will go into the instructions for the Magic Item Generator as an example of what the product can inspire the user to create! You can read more about it in this update. Learn how to vote in Round #2 and submit your own items in Round #3 at the bottom of this update!

Form Fillable Recipe Sheets. Andrew Geertsen, Nord Team Member and slayer of kings, created for you a wonderful thing. Form Fillable Recipe Sheets that you can use when using our Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting, and/or Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery book. Find it here on our website and enjoy!

Friendly Shout Out. Our friends at Eventyr Games are running a very cool project to add new player options themed around clerics, paladins, and cultists. Please check it out and share it with your friends!

Magic Item Community Competition

  •  Cast Your Vote. We have a wide variety of magic items submitted by backers in Round #2 and consolidated into this Google Doc. We've also made this Google Form which you'll use to cast your vote.
  •  Submit Your Items. Round #3 of the competition begins today. Please download the Magic Item Generator PDF Preview and put your item in the comments section of this update. Make sure you give your item a name and describe it in your own words. 1-2 paragraphs is plenty of content. We will start the poll for that round of the competition in one week.

Happy gaming!


Level Up Dice, Livestream, and a Friendly Shout Out
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 09:34:41 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

We are about half way through the campaign and our momentum has been strong!

Level Up Dice. Our friends at Level Up Dice have create a custom set of 11 precious stone dice for this campaign. Hand crafted from Indian Agate by our friends at Level Up Dice; these dice have been custom made for this Kickstarter campaign to match the style of the Alchemy and Foraging books. The set comes with: 1d4, 4d6, 1d8, 2d10, 1d12, and 2d20. This will be a Kickstarter Exclusive product for $100 per set. You can add them to your pledge by clicking the "Manage My Pledge" button on the top right corner of the campaign page.

Livestream. We are going live at 10:30 am PST on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitch if you'd like to join us:

Shout Out. Our friend Mr. Tarrasque is currently running a Kickstarter campaign for The Quintessential Guide to Monster Encounters! Please check out his project and share it around!

Please continue to share all the projects you're backing on Kickstarter with your friends!

Thank you for backing our project!


Projects We Love & Magic Item Community Competition
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 12, 2022 at 12:18:52 AM

Greetings Adventurers,

Thank you for continuing to share our project! I'm seeing it pop up all over the place when I'm browsing around social media. 

Projects We Love. A very special "Projects We Love" award was given to our campaign by the staff at Kickstarter, which is just a fun little bonus for our project.

Magic Item Community Competition  

  • Cast Your Vote. We have a wide variety of magic items submitted by backers and consolidated into a Google Doc. We've also made a Google Form which you'll use to cast your vote.
  • Submit Your Items. Round #2 of the competition begins today. Please download the Magic Item Generator PDF Preview and put your item in the comments section of this update. Make sure you give your item a name and describe it in your own words. 1-2 paragraphs is plenty of content. We will start the poll for that round of the competition in one week.

Happy crafting everyone!


Magic Item Generators Double In Size, PDF Previews, and Magic Item Community Competition #1
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 09:29:57 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

We've decided to double the size of the Magic Item Generators. They are going from 64-card decks to 128-card decks. The prices will stay the same here on Kickstarter so make sure your pledge has one or both while they're discounted!

As promised we have a couple PDFs for you in this update. Both are nowhere near their final versions, but they'll give you a good idea of the type of content to expect out of the book and the Magic Item Generator. 

Foraging PDF Preview. Please follow the link below to download the PDF Preview. The final manuscript is still being edited, so don't worry about any typos you might find. The page numbers on the table of contents will give you an idea of roughly how big each section of the book is.

The Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery PDF Preview

Magic Item Community Competition #1. Let the competition begin! Download the PDF Preview below and start creating. Please submit your magic item (1 per person) in the comments section of this update. Not on the main campaign page. One or two paragraphs will suffice and we're looking for your interpretation of the results you get for Physical Properties, Magical Effect, Origin, and Current Location. Copying the text right from the PDF isn't acceptable, we want a description of the item in your words.

In one week we will pick our favorites and start a poll so that everyone can vote for which of those will go into the instructions of the final product. The current plan is to have these competitions once per week until we have enough examples for the instructions, so expect to see several of these competition updates. We look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Magic Item Generator I PDF Preview

Gloaming Wild Kickstarter Shout Out. Our friends Kimberly and Jarret at Quartermaster Games are about a week into their first Kickstarter campaign. They are really close to funding and could use our help to get them over that line! Please check out their project and share it with your friends!

Thank you again for supporting us, and all the other creators on Kickstarter!


Up, Up, And Awayyyy! Secret Stretch Goals, PDFs, and A Friendly Shout Out!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 03, 2022 at 06:18:51 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

Funding thus far has been fantastic! We are rapidly approaching the $100,000 mark which is huge! Thank you for backing our project and sharing it in the tabletop community! Sites like Facebook Groups and Reddit are great places for new people to see it.

Secret Stretch Goal. Some of you are asking why we don't have any stretch goals on this campaign. The simple answer is there's not much within the scope of this project to stretch for. We always print on premium paper and card stock, we always load these products up with tons of great content and artwork, and we made sure to have the manuscripts for each product done before launch. However, we did have one idea. What if we doubled the size of the Magic Item Generators? Right now they are each 64 card decks in a two piece box (instead of a tuckbox), but we could expand them to 128 cards each. This would give you more diversity and up to 268 million possible combinations per deck. Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Foraging PDF Preview. We will have a preview PDF ready soon that you'll be able to play around with. We're just in the process of making it look pretty.

Magic Item Generator PDF Preview. This preview will also be ready soon and available in a future update. We'll be starting a little competition that everyone can participate in. The instructions for the Magic Item Generators will need some examples. Well, we thought it would be fun to have our backers create magic items using the generators and post them in the comments. We will pick our top 5 items from the comments and put them in a poll each week for everyone to vote on. The winning item will make it into the instructions with credits to the creator. Let us know what you think in the comments section!

Heroes & Hardships Shout Out. Our friend Jason at Earl of Fife Games is headed into his final hours on his first Kickstarter campaign. Please go show him some love and share his link around!

Thank you again for your pledges and helping us promote all of the campaigns we've been a part of over the years. We really couldn't do this without such a wonderful community supporting us!
