
Ultimate Guide to Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery

Created by Nord Games

The definitive handbook for expanding fantasy worlds with crafting materials, items, and downtime activities for 5th Edition D&D!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update
about 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 08, 2023 at 05:28:37 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

We are sorry for the delay, but it's been complicated to say the least. We ran into some difficulties with our manufacturer while in the final stages of production for Elements of Inspiration and its associated box sets. Basically there was a font and file format issue that forced us to revamp all of files for that project which pushed back Foraging Guide and Oracle Character Generator. We kept our heads down to get all this fixed for all three of these projects and didn't focus on posting updates to let you know what was going on. For that we are sorry. We are now once again in pre-production and expect to get proofs soon. We will keep you informed of our progress.

New and revised PDFs will be available through Backerkit as we complete each one so keep an eye out for an email with instructions on how to download your digital rewards. You can also check this link at anytime to see what digital content is available to you:

Happy gaming!


Quick Production Update
over 1 year ago – Wed, May 10, 2023 at 03:46:08 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

We are still on track for production to begin this month. We are putting the finishing touches on all of the products and you should expect PDFs (if they were part of your pledge) very soon. The PDF of the book is in the final stages of layout this week. 

We will keep you well informed as we go through each stage of production and fulfillment over the next few months.

Thank you again for backing our project! We are very excited to see the final products come together with all of their artwork!

Happy gaming!


Production To Begin In May!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Apr 01, 2023 at 09:54:49 AM

Greetings Adventurers!

The editing and graphic design process has been going rather smoothly for all the various products related to this campaign. In total we have a hardcover book, 2 box sets with 250 cards each, 2 card decks with 128 cards each, and a PDF version of each item just listed. It's a lot of content to get ready for production and fulfillment. The current timeline looks like things will go to production by the end of April which means PDFs will be fulfilled around then as well.

Here are some samples of the graphic design for the Magic Item Compendium and Magic Item Generator cards. We had a team meeting just yesterday to refine the graphic design, but these are a good representation of what the final versions will look like (keep in mind that content and titles are just placeholders in these designs):

As for the design and layout for the Foraging, Harvesting & Natural Discovery hardcover and PDF, we are using the same style we established with Alchemy, Crafting & Enchanting, so the look is consistent between the two first installments of what will be a three part series. The third in the series is in the early stages of being outlined and will be announced around the time this Kickstarter is being fulfilled.

Keep an eye out for an email from Backerkit with a link to your PDF rewards (if your pledge contains PDFs) toward the end of this month. In the meantime we hope that you're getting into plenty of fun adventures with your family and friends!

Happy gaming!


Backerkit Direct Link
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 10:28:20 PM

Greetings Adventurers!

Lots of you haven't received your Backerkit survey email, so here's the link you can use to get access to your survey directly:

If you run into any issues please email [email protected] and we'll get you sorted out.

Thank you again for backing our project and follow this link if you daaaare... I mean... if you want to check out our latest Oracle generator: The Oracle Character Generator

Happy gaming!


VAT and BackerKit
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 10:41:40 AM

Hey Everybody,

We wanted to post an update about VAT and BackerKit.

BackerKit only allows us to use one set of tax rules so anyone who is being changed incorrect VAT for just purchasing the book please reach out to [email protected] with your pledge information. We can get a credit added to your pledge if you haven't had your card charged yet or we will refund you the correct VAT amount if your card has already been charged. That way the VAT percentage will be corrected to the book rate VAT.

Best Regards,

- Taylor Hall "Bear"